Our team at Peak Sports Physio offer you a detailed assessment of your injury or concern, a diagnosis, appropriate treatment and rehabilitation, and discuss with you your goals and the progression back to full activity again.
This will usually include a Biomechanical Assessment. Biomechanics is the way we move, the way our muscles and joints interact with each other, and how they cope with the forces applied to our bodies (e.g. running). Injuries often result from abnormal mechanics (e.g. differences in strength and movement between sides of the body and opposing muscle groups), causing repetitive stress and strain.
Your rehabilitation program will therefore be designed for your specific needs and the nature of your condition. Prevention is better than cure, and we also offer injury prevention screening. This will highlight any potential areas of weakness and help to reduce the possibility of injury.
Our physios are highly experienced, and have worked with athletes of all levels, from elite school standard to Olympic level, so you will be in very good hands. We take pride in keeping up to date with the latest research and utilising this knowledge to optimize your recovery.
Through experience we have found that a team approach often works best, so we may recommend the assistance of Pilates, massage, podiatry, sports psychology or exercise physiology.
We also feel that it is important to communicate closely with coaches, managers, parents, and doctors. If further investigation is indicated we are able to refer you for appropriate x-ray, MRI scans.
So whether you’re injured, have a ‘niggle’, or just not performing to your expectations, come and see us; our goal is to help you return to performing at your best.