- APA Sports And Exercise Physiotherapist
- APA Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist
- Member of the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APAM)
- Team Physio for the Toowoomba Grammar School 1st Basketball Team
- Physio for the Toowoomba Mountaineers QBL Basketball Program
- Bachelor of Applied Science – Human Movement Studies in the Field of Exercise Physiology (UQ)
- Master of Physiotherapy Studies (UQ)
- Masters of Musculoskeletal and Sports Physiotherapy (Griffith)
Areas of Interest
- Ankle Injuries
- Sports Coverage
- Lower Limb Injuries
Why I became a Physiotherapist
Like a lot of physios, I spent many hours on receiving end of the physios’ thumbs and elbows rehabilitating from multiple ankle injuries and a subsequent ankle stabilisation surgery. This really made me want to be able to help people recover from their injuries, having experienced the pain and frustration of the process firsthand.
Something else about me
I am a massive rev head and travel a lot around the country watching the Supercars.